Analysis of Overhead Distribution Lines Performance under Lightning Surges

LAT-EFEI: High Voltage Laboratory - Federal University of Itajubá, MG, Brazil, 2009


The medium voltage system performance analyses front lightning discharges is very dependent on its modeling. As the model approaches the reality, more it becomes extremely complex and time expensive, as a result, it generally leads to the adoption of some sort of simplifications and approximations.
The present work aims at the study of a large variety of effects of the lightning discharges, its impacts and preponderant factors for analysis in different real systems, as far as searching for a balance between the model's approximation and the resultant errors.
With this in mind, it uses models that are more precise, stochastic process simulations, electromagnetic transient simulations, real information from the networks and statistical analyses.
Therefore, it is possible to establish the main intervention points for the improvement of the medium voltage overhead distribution system performance front lightning discharges.


The lightning discharges are one of the main causes of failures, playing a significant role in the interruptions and damages, many times permanent, in the electrical systems. Consequently, it results in major losses for the utilities and society.
These discharges can inject surges in the electrical systems basically by two ways: induction, through the coupling of the electromagnetic fields with the conductors; or direct impact in the conductors.
For the electric distribution systems, the lightning discharges have a great impact due to predominantly overhead line configuration and its general great extension. As a result, it is assumed that about one-third of the failures is caused by lightning.
Brazil, by the tropical location, has one of the biggest incidences of lightning in the world, where it is estimated that they can reach the order of 70 million discharges per year, which can make damages and losses reaching the order of US$ 250 million or more.
With the privatization of the electrical utilities, the Brazilian National Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL, in Portuguese) started to demand the continuous improvement of quality, continuity and reliability in the supply of electric energy.
The consumers also are more demanding; therefore, it becomes necessary an increase in the investments in research and development of new techniques and technologies aiming at electrical energy supply improvement. Therefore, the effects study of lightning discharges in the electrical power systems can be considered an essential item.
The objective of this paper is to study the large variety of effects of the lightning discharges, its impacts and preponderant factors for analysis into different real distribution systems.
Thus, establishing the main intervention points for the performance improvement by the impact analysis of the equipment installed in the network, as an example: transformers, insulators, and surge arresters.
For this purpose, an entire analysis methodology and simulation need to be developed, generating a valid procedure to infer the behavior of the system and of the installed equipment in the occurrence of a lightning surge.
The development of this methodology has involved since the elaboration of a computer program for the treatment, exhibition and use of the geographic information databases of the system, as well as simulation, stochastic analysis, probability and statistics of the occurrence of surges caused by lightning.
In addition, an interface module was developed to do electromagnetic transient simulations, where all the dynamics of the distribution and dissipation of the surge will be detailed and analyzed, together with the impact into the equipment and elements of the system.


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